( kahn-tent • mahr-ki-ting ) n. 1. the marketing of products or services through the creation of targeted, useful, and relevant online material; 2. the art of turning a brand’s web presence into a user-friendly, rewarding and useful online destination.

Because fresh is always better than frozen.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is “owning, as opposed to renting media. It’s a marketing process to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating content in order to change or enhance a consumer behavior.”

In other words, instead of sharing other people’s cool stuff, you create your own.

Content marketing has become incredibly effective in helping brands both large and small gain traction on the web, by crafting and distributing their own brand-centric content geared specifically to their target audience. Through blogs, articles, videos, catalogs, lookbooks, podcasts, eBooks, and other media, content marketing has allowed brands to deliver relevant and valuable information to their consumers in a way that has proven to increase sales, grow loyalty, and improve their overall brand experience.

Add to all of that the fact that search engines LOVE content marketing, and you have every reason to invest both time and resources into developing a solid, cohesive strategy to help generate leads, grow reputation, and ultimately convert sales. It takes patience and perseverance to build, but the more you put into it, the more a content marketing program will pay you and your brand back.

a. What We Do

Intrigue and engage online users with custom-created content designed to retain current customers and attract new ones.

When people think of content, they immediately think of audience building. But that’s just the first stage of the battle. A successful, impactful program ultimately relies on a journey map that includes engagement and discovery, leading to a tangible business result such as sales and retention. We’d much prefer 1000 active followers rather than 100,000 passive likes.

b. Why You Need It

Good, consistent, original content can make a big difference in your online footprint. And by providing stories and information to your customers that they actually care about, you are able to use content marketing to:


Reach Your Target Directly

Create compelling content that speaks directly to the people you are most interested in reaching.


Build Consumer Relationships

Build loyalty and retention through the knowledge and expertise you share with your audience.


Improve Search Ranking

Leverage your brand as the most qualified and best contender of search queries.

c. How Can We Do It For You?

We’re big believers in content and work hand-in-hand with our clients to help build programs that have lasting impact. From video testimonials to how-to catalogs, robust content marketing programs grow directly out of the value of the content your creating, as seen through the eyes of your target audience. And we’d love to help you create the kind of content that your customers will like/share/tweet/post about.

    Dreamentia Creative Laboratories :: Los Angeles Ad Agency